Remo's self-destructive behavior overshadows his talent. Abril, an upcoming jockey, is pregnant with Remo's baby and has to decide between the child...
This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook as the finesse...
Theatre of War is an essay on how to represent war, performed by former enemies. British and Argentinian veterans of the Falklands war come together...
While her girlfriend is in the hospital in a coma state after find her floating in the bathtub without vital signs, Clara stars on a path of physical...
There is a monster in Lake Nahuel Huapi. At twilight, it spreads across the surface of the water like a taut cowhide, grabbing its victims with sharp...
Led by a video jockey who's trying to hack the brain, the director of this film wanders into the labyrinth of a metaphysical discussion regarding the...