After his wife is murdered, a man becomes a ninja to take revenge on her killers across the streets of New York, in this film that was originally...
A profile on martial artist John Liu and the making of his "lost" U.S. directorial debut, 'New York Ninja'.
A brand new documentary by Elijah Drenner featuring interviews with Jeffrey Bass, co-star Michael Murphy, screenwriter Mayo Simon, archivist Sean...
A making of documentary about THE BIRDS II: LAND'S END.
Documentary on the making of The Prophecy (1994) featuring interviews with director Gregory Widen, producer Joel Soisson, director of photography...
Documentary about the making of the film The Beastmaster.
A newly produced 43 minute making-of documentary featuring narration by writer/director Bo Arne Vibenius and on camera interviews with: Christina...
Experienced artist Sketch gathers several young girls in his apartment who wants him to draw their portraits. Something goes wrong, dissatisfied...
A documentary on Six-String Samurai
A feature-length, retrospective documentary about the troubled production of 1985's SPOOKIES, which began its life under the title TWISTED SOULS.
Composer Brian Gascoigne and electronic music artist David Vorhaus discuss the music of 'Phase IV' (1974).
British cinema has long cemented its legacy of producing creative thrillers, often infusing macabre twists with a wry sense of cynical humor. By the...
Retrospective documentary on the making of the low-budget sci-fi cult classic Liquid Sky (1982).
Producer Michael Gingold discusses the locations where 'New York Ninja' was filmed.
The members of Voyag3r discuss the music of 'New York Ninja'.
An interview with director Bob Chinn about working with Walt Davis and Manny Conde
Kurtis Spieler discusses the process of reworking John Liu's film 'New York Ninja' for Vinegar Syndrome.
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