Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, 16-year-old Valmira, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling...
The story of the Serbian army, led by the King Peter, through the World War I.
While shooting a documentary about “missing” civill servants a filmmaking duo stumble upon Charoula, a desperate, overprotective Greek...
Coming home to make amends with her estranged father, Eleni finds herself confronted with an unexpected kinship.
11-year-old Misha is coming from Russia to Athens during the 2004 Olympic Games to live with his mother. He does not know there is a father waiting...
A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long...
A documentary about loss, faith, guilt and redemption, The Fourth Character follows the routes of the three characters within the cityscape and...
Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, Valmira 16, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling island where...
A surreal journey inspired from the paintings of the acclaimed artist Theodore Pantaleon. Aenigma is a a 3D requiem to form, feminine-goddess,...
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