After a tragic accident that killed her mother and left her daughter Nirmala missing, Wening embarks on a desperate search for Nirmala, enlisting the...
Ajo Kawir is a fighter who fears nothing, not even death. His raging urge to fight is driven by a secret: his impotence. When he crosses paths with a...
Gina (Shenina Cinnamon) and Mutia (Fathia Izzati) are two best friends, searching for the whereabouts of Celuluk, a demon commonly known for residing...
In a fishing village, The employees of Uma de Raffa, a nearly bankrupt resort, are getting anxious. However, a visit from the resort investor brings...
Diego, a man with Dwarfism, works as an extra for a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pre-wedding photoshoot project. This photoshoot leads him into an...
AYA (25), is an influencer who is slowly losing her popularity. She decides to go on a holiday to an exotic coast resort, far from the demands of her...
Mar, a career woman from Jakarta, goes on a trip to Labuan Bajo for her Bachelorette Party. Her friends are supposed to come with her, but due to one...