The avenging angel of Marvel Comics fame comes brilliantly to life in this searing action-adventure thriller! Dolph Lundgren stars as Frank Castle, a...
Melba Stokes, her mother Sheba and daughter Cheryl embark on a crime spree after their California beauty parlor is repossessed. Their destination is...
Jack Flowers is an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. His dreams of building a fortune by running...
An ex-GI's daughter is abducted by a gang of white supremacists. He calls on one of his former Army buddies, and together they set out to track down...
Crazy out of work actress Vashti Blue spends all her time in her small apartment with her pet owl and her telephone, which she uses to try and solve...
Someone is killing off nubile real estate agents. A psychologist doing a therapy talk show begins getting calls from the perpetrator, and cooperates...