The main character, Baian Fujieda, is a dark hero who has two faces: one as a skilled acupuncturist who saves lives, and the other as a criminal who...
Ryosuke has a bright future. He just opened a successful restaurant and hopes to tie the knot soon with his alluring girlfriend. But then his father...
Suzuki Shizuka is an office lady at a conglomerate who is hypnotized at a local amusement park and left under the spell. Now she is compelled to sing...
A spaceship carrying a Dimentional Warp Gate crashes on Planet Gaea. Galvatron tricks Lio Junior into handing over the control of the gate. With the...
Shibuya Haruko is a high school student living in Tokyo. One night, she is instantly smitten by Kanagawa Kenichi, who is lying prone on a bridge. But...
Towards the end of WWII, the Navy gave the Kyoto University's physics lab the secret of a bomb that makes use of nuclear fission energy. While doing...
Haruna Tsunematsu is studying folklore at university and she decides the subject of her graduation thesis will be the "Kisaragi Station" urban legend...