A nine year old boy named Joey, who after the tragic death of his father, begins to experience psychic powers such as allowing him to move inanimate...
Deep in the Mojave desert, under a scorching blood-red sun, four travelers have set up camp to make art. One fateful night, the group is thrust into...
Set in a world of only two dimensions inhabited by sentient geometric shapes, the story follows Arthur Square and his ever-curious granddaughter Hex....
Set on the eve of Flatland's first mission into their 'outer-space,' the story presents the intriguing mysteries of triangles with angle sums greater...
A girl who has a life she doesn't want, with no family present and no friends, receives a birthday present from her grandfather that will take her to...
A rugged stranger, at a crossroads in his life, checks into an unassuming bed and breakfast hotel in a seaside town. Although initially disturbed by...