Having just moved back in with his working-class parents, twentysomething on-and-off philosophy undergrad Walter navigates turn-of-the-millennium...
Zia, distraught over breaking up with his girlfriend, decides to end it all. Unfortunately, he discovers that there is no real ending, only a...
Chris Wilcha helped adapt This American Life to television. His new documentary embodies the spirit of that show as he tries to save a New Jersey...
A clueless wannabe movie star moves to LA and goes viral for all the wrong reasons, only to evolve into a slightly less terrible version of himself....
Romantic-comedy about a college student obsessed with "Annie Hall" who is just shaking off his addiction when he meets the modern version of Annie...
MONEY is a fast paced yet pensive drama about Singapore’s Generation X. It combines a gorgeous-looking cast with witty script and a generous...
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