Documentary on Les Charlots, known as The Crazy Boys in the English-speaking world, a group of French musicians, singers, comedians and film actors...
A documentary on the restoration of Rogério Sganzerla's 1970 film "Copacabana, Mon Amour".
Rebels on the surface, retrogrades in essence. “The Ridiculists”, a duo composed of the eccentric and explosive, “The...
After receiving a letter calling for a secret conspiracy meeting, a woman is mistaken for a controversial policy and kidnapped by a pair of...
ANA C. uses videoart and videoperformance to express the relationship between the marginalized poet Ana Cristina Cesar with art itself.
A film-truth document. It presents the life of Luis, a man who wanders the streets of the city, going to and from work, contemplating the windows of...
A short film made from photos of Boca do Lixo, a bohemian and marginal neighborhood, and its people.
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