A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained soldiers. In...
Rajputana, India, 13th century. The tyrannical usurper Alauddin Khilji, sultan of Delhi, becomes obsessed with Queen Padmavati, wife of King Ratan...
During the 13th century, a small village fights for freedom in the frontier landscape of the Carpathian Mountains against Mongolian invaders.
Orphaned as a young child and adopted by a band of notorious thieves, now-grown Ali Baba sets out to avenge his father’s murder, reclaim the...
In 1918 a young and simple Mongol herdsman and trapper is cheated out of a valuable fox fur by a European capitalist fur trader. Ostracized from the...
Andrew Garret is a cop trying to reveal the background of secret killing fights named "Game". He takes part in the fights under the nickname...
A group of US Navy weathermen taking measurements in the Gobi desert in World War II are forced to seek the help of Mongol nomads to regain their...
A samurai warrior attempts to stop Kublai Khan's Mongol hordes from overrunning Japan in the 13th century.
The town's best horse race trainer Bold, has many people gathered at his house for a special announcement. Bold begins to brag about his horses and...
A director of a television series on the history of cinema, who has been grappling with the screenplay of his first feature film, receives an...
Sarbedaran is a historic series based on the revolt of the 'Sarbedar's of Khorasan, led by Sheykh Hasan Jowri against the Mongol Conquest of Iran....
Barbarians is a mini-series on The History Channel which tells the story of the most barbaric tribes of the early and late Middle Ages. Two series...
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