In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the...
Rick Riker is a nerdy teen imbued with superpowers by a radioactive dragonfly. And because every hero needs a nemesis, enter Lou Landers, aka the...
The residents of a small town are excited when a flaming meteor lands in the hills, until they discover it is the first of many transport devices...
An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and...
The controlled explosion of an atomic bomb in the Arctic Circle awakens a frozen dinosaur that will wreak havoc in New York City.
A Florida real estate developer and her captain lure investors to a property in the Everglades called Dreamland Shores, under false pretenses that...
In order to save an assassinated scientist, a submarine and its crew are shrunk to microscopic size and injected into his bloodstream.
A down and out young punk gets a job working with a seasoned repo man, but what awaits him in his new career is a series of outlandish adventures...
The most turbulent five years in the life of a genius woman: Between 1905, where Marie Curie comes with Pierre Curie to Stockholm to be awarded the...
A dangerous combination of radiation and insecticide causes the unfortunate Scott Carey to shrink, slowly but surely, until he is only a few inches...
A young unemployed man finds work at a nuclear power plant and begins an illicit affair with the fiancée of one of his senior workmates.
An American tourist, a youth gang leader, and his troubled sister find themselves trapped in a top secret government facility experimenting on...
Murders, with victims dying from spines broken by brute strength, erupt in the city and the killers, when encountered, walk away unharmed by police...
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Army radiation experiments awaken a subterranean monster from a fissure that feeds on energy and proceeds to terrorise a remote Scottish village. An...
A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight crime while trying to balance it with the...
Martin Boudot, investigative journalist, investigates major environmental scandals around the world: river contamination, air pollution,...
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