Following the events of the previous movie, Kotori and her friends return to the present only to discover that Japan's history has changed. To...
High school students Rei and Nanako encounter Sailor Daisy, a yellow-clad fighter in trouble. To save her, they awaken their powers and transform...
In the afternoon, Minako in a sailor suit gets entangled in a passionate embrace...Erotic-drama distributed by Nikkatsu for home video.
A high school girl is asked by her detective father to hand over the ransom for a kidnapping case. However, it was a fake kidnapping. She begins to...
Be-Bop Sailor Suit was released in 1988. It was released as an parody of Be-Bop High School, which was popular at that time. Starring AV and pinku...
Akemi ( Mizuna Rei ), the only daughter of the Kozakura family in the Kanto region, hates yakuza and lives in a dormitory at a girls' school in...
High school girls Kotori Morino, Azumi Hattori, and Madoka Hino secretly fight against the evil Satanzola society as the Sailor Cats, messengers of...
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