The story of the extraordinary final chapter of Freddie Mercury’s life and how, after his death from AIDS, Queen staged one of the biggest...
"Stevie Wonder: Songs in the Key of Life — An All-Star GRAMMY Salute" will feature some of today's top artists covering songs by the legendary...
Tribute concert dedicated to Florent Pagny, recent cancer survivor, celebrated with various French singers.
An all-star global music event live from London's Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert featuring the biggest names in music joining together in celebration...
Tribute to Selena Quintinilla-Perez, featuring musical performances and archive footage.
Les Enfoirés "À côté de toi" is the 31st album/show by Les Enfoirés, recorded from January 14 to 17, 20211 at...
The life and legacy of country music legend Kenny Rogers is honored in a new star-studded concert special, Kenny Rogers: All In For The Gambler, to...
Jane Birkin was scheduled to perform at the Olympia in Paris on February 3, 2024. After she passed away on July 16, 2023, her daughters and her...
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