In this fun thrilling action movie, a team of skilled criminals is hired by a private syndicate to steal a biological weapon that is being guarded by...
This Pete Smith Specialty short focuses on the young men who have signed up for the U.S. Army. The film uses the analogy of the speed, accuracy, and...
In a quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military hardware and malevolent technology in history....
HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most advanced warship ever constructed in Britain. As she embarks on gruelling sea trials we see ship and crew...
The drama series, directed by Ilmar Raag, tells the story of young conscripts who suddenly find themselves in a completely new environment. Alongside...
These unorthodox military innovations were not developed by chance, each was constructed to solve a tactical or strategic problem, such as overcoming...
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