A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while...
Destructive monsters from the Mato dimension threaten the earth, while women gifted with powers from Peaches try to stop them. But to save the world,...
A young maidservant named Liu Ying saves a snake on behalf of her young mistress in a chance encounter. However, the snake turns out to be a thousand...
A young girl, Nan Xing (played by Shen Yue), who loves to write, accidentally summons the villain Xiao Wudi (played by Chen Zhe Yuan) from the novel...
A billionaire develops the ability to manifest his anger in the form of knives which erupt from his body. He meets and falls in love with a girl who...
It tells the love story between Lu Qing Qing, a girl with no spiritual powers but full of vitality, and the Tsundere prince Nangong Yi Xin. Set in a...
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