Totone and his band of friends, local barflies, spend most of their summer scouring the Jura dances. Following the sudden death of his cheese-making...
The story is about Rito Yuuki , a high-school boy who cannot confess to the girl of his dreams, Haruna Sairenji. One day when coming home and sulking...
Zhang Chulan leads a very common college student's life until he finds himself caught up in a terrible incident that happened in a small village. As...
The speedy blue hedgehog Sonic with sidekick Tails and pals Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman, who is hellbent...
Eiji Kitahama joins the drama club with dreams of having a harem like the ones from his favorite manga. Rin Nanakura, an underclassman, finds herself...
Nagasumi's in hot water after a beautiful, young mermaid named Sun saves him from drowning. The deep-sea sweetheart's dad is a merman yakuza prone to...
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