The story of an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the cops aren't above breaking the rules or working against their associates to...
In early 90s Boston, an African-American District Attorney comes in from Brooklyn advocating change and forms an unlikely alliance with a corrupt yet...
Hack is a television series that aired on the American CBS television network from 2002 to 2004. The series centers on the fictional life of a former...
Detective Superintendent Tony Clark is an ambitious member of the Complaints Investigation Bureau, an internal organisation that investigates claims...
The City of Angels is falling apart, and crime pervades the city to the core. The mayor is corrupt, the police are inept, the city needs a figure to...
Walter Wilson (Kevin Janssens) and Robin De Rover (Ella-June Henrard) once started their careers in the police force with great dedication and noble...
Serpico is a short-lived American crime drama series that aired on NBC between September 1976 and February 1977. The series was based on the book by...
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