A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of...
Set in a solitary island school where only students who have caused problems are gathered, and communication from the world is cut off. Homura Itsuki...
At an academy for mythological warriors, 17-year-old Hercules meets Jason, the next in line to rule Corinth. When Jason discovers that his father is...
After years of experiments, three researchers finally create Ninja-Gum. This substance awakens dormant power within people descended from ninjas, but...
A young group of cadets come together to pursue a common dream of hope and optimism. Under the watchful and demanding eyes of their instructors, they...
The series revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which is on the verge of closing down after having financial troubles. The club's new coach...
Tasuta piiramatu juurdepääs, Otsige kõike, millel pole reklaame, Miljonid pealkirjad ja lisatakse iga päev, Kõik platvormid ja täielikult optimeeritud, Igal pool ja igal ajal