Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool as her...
This story involves the shopkeeper Suzuri of Kokumondou who sells historic books and Mizuki, granddaughter of the land owner. When Mizuki releases a...
Death Billiards is one of the four anime works that each received 38 million yen (about US$480,000) from the "2012 Young Animator Training Project."...
Third-grader Himeno moves to a huge mansion in the country. However, she soon finds out it's a ninja house! The ninjas Akamaki, Aomaki, and Kiiromaki...
Makoto Nakazono is a high school student with a small dark secret. Since he was little, he has had the mysterious power to see "black entities" that...
In a futuristic world, the "Nanorace," people whose genes contain nanomachines that grant them special abilities, are controlled and suffer prejudice...
Eri, a girl who likes to stay indoors, meets a mysterious but enthusiastic transfer student named Haru. Eri used to love to sing and Haru loves Eri's...
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