The main characters are two male best friends, Jerry and Hui Lok, and their female friend, Cherie. The story revolves around their relationships with...
In the eyes of the world, Sun Xiaohu is missing. In reality, he's a wandering spirit that can only appear to and interact with his twin brother, Sun...
Huo Yuchun, famous botany professor at Qingshan University, has developed a new virus that combines plants and animals DNA. When the virus breaks out...
Zhang Chulan leads a very common college student's life until he finds himself caught up in a terrible incident that happened in a small village. As...
Ai is an ordinary girl, and a dancer. Her friend Machi is also a dancer, but Machi is a genius. Watching Machi's talent often makes Ai feel down. But...
When his girlfriend suddenly disappears, a university student and his friend are pulled into a dangerous alternate gaming universe. They have to use...
A story about two young demons who are always slacking off at work, a place that happens to be an organization that vows to keep the balance between...
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