The sitcom is about office politics in a magazine company, as well as family and romantic relationships amongst the characters, with the majority of...
The Virtues of Harmony II is a long-running TVB television series, which follows its first series, Virtues of Harmony, a series set in Ancient China....
A House Is Not a Home is a TVB television series, premiered on 1 August 1977. It is a very successful classic series boasting the likes of stars Liza...
The Huang family has served in the police force for generations. The patriarch, Huang Jiajing, is modest and talkative, but lacking in confidence and...
Cheng Zi-dong works as a sales manager for household appliances. He and his girlfriend, Lu Jiayi , are preparing to get married and buy an affordable...
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is a 1982 Hong Kong television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. The 50 episodes long series...
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