A quirky, dysfunctional family's road trip is upended when they find themselves in the middle of the robot apocalypse and suddenly become humanity's...
Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite army unit is helicoptered to...
A grouchy Alien Parasite tries to restock his bar and unclog his interdimensional toilet. He also fights a mad robot scientist and its monstrous pup...
It is the year 1999. The Machine Empire of Baranoia, led by Emperor Bacchus Wrath, has invaded Earth with the intention of wiping out all human life...
Doako sarbide mugagabea, Edozer bilatu iragarkirik gabe, Milioika izenburu eta egunero gehitu, Plataforma guztiak eta guztiz optimizatuak, Edozein lekutan eta noiznahi