This action film follows the triumphs of a small town mixed martial artist whose good hearted actions, desire to be an MMA champion and the haunting...
Plagued by a hidden childhood trauma that is destroying his life, an obsessive-compulsive MMA fighter moves to Fire Island and pretends to be gay in...
Professional boxer Sota Kusunoki has gained popularity for his fighting style, where he goes headlong into his opponents. However, years of fighting...
Uber MMA fighter manager Ivy Reed (B-movie action star of the '80s and '90s Cynthia Rothrock) is unique as a woman in a male-dominated field, using a...
Matt sets out to live his dreams of becoming a world champion fighter. He meets Happy McBride, a washed up has-been, who takes him under his wing and...
As host of gladiator-style duels in which gangbangers battle to the death, East Los Angeles drug kingpin Chesare (Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs) capitalizes...
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