A feature documentary presented and directed by former Royal Marines Commando Emile Ghessen. The documentary tells the story of the 2020 war between...
While the Second Nagorno-Karabakh war rages on far away from Baku, Azerbaijan, Banu has four days to find someone to support her in court against her...
For thirty years now, a dilapidated house has been providing essential asylum to war refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh. Three generations, including the...
Using unpublished photos taken by Italian war photographer Enrico Sarsini, and the reconstruction of key events, this film examines the battle for a...
As a result of the second Karabakh war, a village should be ceded to Azerbaijan since a new highway is built through the Lachin corridor. The family...
Residents are slowly leaving the village due to thirst. Only one family, aunt Nakhish and man Rahim, endured a thousand hardships to guard the grave...
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