Also known as "Ponti Vs Omi", Afdlin Shauki's latest comedy tells the story of a rivalry between two supernatural beings, a Pontianak (Vampire) and a...
A Pontianak, the vengeful spirit of a woman who died during childbirth, is awakened when a foreman and a construction worker attempt to bury the body...
The original "Pontianak" was made in 1957 directed by B.N. Rao and starred Maria Menado.The film was such a hit that in quick succession, two sequels...
After the incident when ADAM hit a girl named Melati with his car, Adam and his family decided to take care of her. Melati wakes up the day after but...
A singer catches sight of a woman in the audience. The couple leaves the nightclub in the singer's sports car. When the boy finds a suitable spot to...
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