Bai Yong Ze is a genius swimmer with a humble beginning, while Song Cha Cha is a rich miss whose family takes a tumble. Her boyfriend, for an unknown...
The Champion is an idol drama produced by Mediacorp in Singapore. It was telecast from October 20 to November 16, 2004. The show stars Taiwanese idol...
The series revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which is on the verge of closing down after having financial troubles. The club's new coach...
This is a story of rivalry and friendship between two young swimmers; a tale of natural talent versus hard work. Talented swimmer Chung is a transfer...
The three-part documentary series features Phelps looking back at each race of his Olympic career with NBC Sports swimming commentators Dan Hicks and...
The couple that swims together, stays together. Comics Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill take the plunge at Scotland's breathtaking and beautiful...
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