Set against the backdrop of a beautiful garden in the heart of London, this contemporary fairy tale revolves around the unlikely friendship between a...
Evan, an orphaned 22-year-old who grew up in the foster care system, buys a vintage 8mm camera in a yard sale from an elderly man, ends up with reels...
The insects have completely taken over Mickey's garden. He spritzes them with insecticide, but runs out and they keep feasting. He mixes a new batch....
Created over 75 years and three generations, Les Quatre Vents stands as an enchanted place of beauty and surprise, a horticultural masterpiece of the...
Sihja is a young, charming and a little outrageous fairy who leaves her home in the forest. On arrival in the city, she meets a sensitive new friend,...
Aquaponics master Murray Hallam takes you into the world of Aquaponics and explains how you can grow clean, fresh and organic fish and vegetables in...
Gardeners' World is a long-running BBC Television programme about gardening, first broadcast in 1968 and still running as of 2013. Its first episode...
Chef James Martin is passionate about knowing where his food comes from. He has given himself six months to get his kitchen garden up and running, so...
Gardening programmes usually stop at the kitchen door and cookery programmes rarely step into the garden. But in Fork To Fork, celebrated TV gardener...
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