After being released from a juvenile detention center, Wellington finds himself alone and adrift on the streets of São Paulo, without any...
The series tells the story of the São Paulo International Film Festival, one of the most traditional cultural events in Latin America. For 48...
A never-seen-before show in this special one-night only concert event, live from São Paulo.
Manu, a middle-aged homosexual man, lives in the city of São Paulo in the late 80s and spends his nights performing as the drag queen...
A group of friends gets the opportunity to make money from a film festival. The only problem: they can't decide what the movie will be about.
Fergees Unbeheinde tagong, Sykje nei alles Gjin advertinsjes, Miljoenen titels en elke dei tafoege, Alle platfoarms en folslein optimalisearre, Oeral en altyd