This documentary is the story of two Mennonite brothers from Manitoba who were forced to make a decision in 1939, as Canada joined World War II. In...
Animated film of a traditional Franco-Manitoban tale that resembles the story of the first Christmas.
This short documentary tells the story of a cheese—the famous Oka—and of the monks who make it. The Trappists in Oka, Quebec, began...
“Built on Agriculture” is a four-part PBS documentary series that pays tribute to the people who settled the plains of Manitoba and what...
Rochtain Neamhtheoranta In Aisce, Cuardaigh aon rud Uimh Fógraí, Milliúin teidil agus curtha leo gach lá, Gach ardán agus Optamaithe go hiomlán, Áit ar bith agus am ar bith