A long-running conspiracy is swirling over a mysterious power wielded by the Queen in Raja, a small country west of Tempest. When a slime who evolved...
A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they...
Four people traveling in a van run over a lone woman while she is walking in the dark down a country road. After loading her into the vehicle to take...
After a couple purchases an antique vase at a market, the woman is possessed and killed by a demonic creature. Twelve years later, the demon returns...
Indy's (Bibi) slimy adventure continues as a mysterious slime stone with magical powers suddenly appears from outer space. When the evil Xenia Kobalt...
The slime created by the boy Kotarou can transform into a super beautiful girl! Kotarou is constantly getting pushed around by Puniru's freewheeling...
Rochtain Neamhtheoranta In Aisce, Cuardaigh aon rud Uimh Fógraí, Milliúin teidil agus curtha leo gach lá, Gach ardán agus Optamaithe go hiomlán, Áit ar bith agus am ar bith