Tragedy strikes the Batman's life again when Robin Jason Todd tracks down his birth mother only to run afoul of the Joker. An adaptation of the 1988...
United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a Kryptonite meteor to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads...
Sruth mìltean de fhilmichean agus taisbeanaidhean Tbh an-asgaidh.
Soidhnig a-steach
Cuir an gnìomh do chunntas AN-ASGAIDH!
Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh, Lorg airson dad No Ads, Milleanan de thiotalan agus gan cur ris a h-uile latha, Gach àrd-ùrlar agus làn-leasaichte, An àite sam bith agus uair sam bith