In the thickness of the mountains, in an isolated community led by a preacher known as El Señor, a presumed new Messiah is brought, unleashing...
When forest animals invade our cities, the world is in disarray. Office vixen Fiona struggles with her banana phone addiction. Will she succumb to...
A documentary on the Z Channel, one of the first pay cable stations in the US, and its programming chief, Jerry Harvey. Debuting in 1974, the...
CREMASTER 3 (2002) is set in New York City and narrates the construction of the Chrysler Building, which is in itself a character - host to inner,...
Three children visit their friend Bethie's clubhouse where they are encouraged to be as silly as possible as long as they learn and do well in...
A boy enjoys his day off by watching his favorite movie. But one event, causes him to realized that there would be no day off for him.
A strange story from Somerset, England about a filmmaking farmer and the inspiring legacy of his long-lost home movies.
This is a story about a man who believes that he has two “selves” - external and internal. That is, an organism is a certain conglomerate...
Julie, a Montréal teenager who lives alone in a vacant swimming pool spends her days following strangers. Abandoned by her father, she...
A documentary by husband and wife filmmakers, Mario Balibrera and Dana Evans, of the art colonies of Taos, New Mexico in the early part of the 20th...
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