Faclan-luirg Psychedelic Animation
A short film created by Duane Palyka and Hank Grebe, artists and animators of the lab. It was a joint effort between the Computer Graphics Lab and...
During the Covid-19 pandemic, four anxious strangers take a record-breaking dose of LSD, catapulting them into a shared psychedelic dream where they...
Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh, Lorg airson dad No Ads, Milleanan de thiotalan agus gan cur ris a h-uile latha, Gach àrd-ùrlar agus làn-leasaichte, An àite sam bith agus uair sam bith
Clàraich gu sgiobalta!
Cruthaich cunntas an-asgaidh