Kathryn, a struggling actress and unfulfilled housewife, becomes friendly with her new gardener, Ben. He gives her the attention and sensitivity she...
Kate Fletcher has the perfect apartment. Everything is computer controlled. It is the home of her dreams until a psychotic man begins to execute the...
After Lisa Temple is brutally attacked and suffers from amnesia, it seems her bitter character has changed for the better, which causes her estranged...
Society matron Mrs. Livingston Baldwin Crane is selected as a juror in the trial of former chorus girl Yvette Gordon, who's accused of murdering her...
In 1916 the Santiago society shuddered with the crime of a wealthy businessman. Corina Rojas, his young wife, was the first woman sentenced to death...
Love, motherhood and a musical career strike dissonant chords in this dark tale of a young Russian woman who tries to keep her balance among wealthy...
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