Night mode
Cuir an gnìomh do chunntas AN-ASGAIDH!

Chan urrainnear ach an leabharlann film is bhidio againn a shruthladh no a luchdachadh sìos le buill a-mhàin

Lean air adhart a ’coimhead airson AN-ASGAIDH ➞

Bheir e nas lugha na 1 mhionaid airson clàradh a-steach agus an uairsin faodaidh tu filmichean gun chrìoch & tiotalan Tbh a mhealtainn.

00:00:00 / 01:37:00

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 2011 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 2011 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

Sakurai Tomoki goes on a trip to a hot spring, and is soon up to his usual perverted antics. In addition, he's about to receive his first love confession! However, his desire to pass his days peacefully is challenged once again by another Angeloid. Compared with the hostile Angeloids he had encountered in the past, this new Type Zeta Angeloid is by far the most powerful!

Sruth mìltean de fhilmichean agus taisbeanaidhean Tbh an-asgaidh.