Deep in the African jungle, a baby named George, the sole survivor of a plane crash, is raised by gorillas. George grows up to be a buff and lovable...
Kindhearted Griffin Keyes is one of the best-loved caretakers at the Franklin Park Zoo, but he's more comfortable with the animals than with females...
As a child living in Africa, Jill Young saw her mother killed while protecting wild gorillas from poachers led by Andrei Strasser. Now an adult, Jill...
We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes...
You think you know Kong? Think again. Explore the wonders of Skull Island with over 30 interviews compiled by director Tom Grove. With a run time of...
First Born is a British television serial produced by the BBC in 1988. Charles Dance starred as genetic researcher Edward Forester, whose work leads...