Ballerina is a 2006 documentary film that follows the training sessions, rehearsals, and everyday lives of five Russian ballerinas at different...
Nutcracker ballet, conducted by Victor Fedotov and featuring the Kirov Ballet and Orchestra. Stars Larissa Lezhnina, Victor Baranov and Piotr...
A documentary on the Kirov School of Ballet in Russia, narrated by Princess Grace of Monaco.
Romance and fairy tale come alive in this astounding interpretation of a childhood classic, Sleeping Beauty. In the hands of the celebrated Kirov...
Kyauta mara iyaka, Bincika komai Babu Talla, Miliyoyin taken kuma an ƙara kowace rana, Duk dandamali da Ingantaccen Cikakke, A ko'ina da kowane lokaci