Two themes arise from the story, themes that are interlocked: the theme of love and of man's eternal submission to traditional symbols. The director...
The Zivkovic family lives on a hilly village, on cleared part of land. Having many relatives, their lives are interlaced, and jobs distributed. Their...
This is a movie about the start of people's uprising in Montenegro in World War II. After the capitulation of the Yugoslav Royal Army in April 1941,...
A Montenegrin teenager is sent to Serbia in order to evade blood-feud caused by his father's reckless behavior. Little does he know that even greater...
When a passive young businessman is conned and thrown into great debts, he and his mother concoct a desperate escape plan - to fake his death, stage...
Heavily pregnant and in the early summer heat, Mina has wandered up into the Montenegrin mountains in search of answers to the problems she is facing...