In 1969, young Jud Crandall has dreams of leaving his hometown behind, but soon discovers sinister secrets buried within and is forced to confront a...
A mysterious video has been linked to a number of deaths, and when an inquisitive journalist finds the tape and views it herself, she sets in motion...
Noah Holiday lives his life being constantly reminded of a tragic event that occurred while he was a baby in 2004. During his rough times alone, Noah...
Yara is an immigrated girl. Escaped from the horrors of the war, she finds herself in a refugee center. Here she will meet Lucas, with whom she will...
The film follows Danny Feather, his older brother mysteriously died in the murder tunnels. Named after that because of a serial killer that murdered...
After returning from their best friend's funeral, Samuel and Lucas happen upon a mysterious board. Believing it to be a sign from their late friend,...