Fifteen years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society — stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of...
At a top Paris talent firm, agents scramble to keep their star clients happy—and their business afloat—after an unexpected crisis.
One day, Miu Takigawa suddenly receives a letter notifying her that she has been chosen as a member of a brand-new project. Half in disbelief, she...
Agents at a talent management firm tackle strong personalities and office politics while keeping their celebrity clients happy and helping them shine.
A London talent agency’s employees must scramble to keep their star clients happy and their business afloat after the sudden death of their...
The life and stories of Guillermo Coppola, famous "bon vivant" and Diego Armando Maradona's agent.
A group of transgender models try to make a name for themselves in the world of fashion.
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