The Octonauts is a British children's television series, produced by Silvergate Media for the BBC channel Cbeebies. The series is animated in Ireland...
France, 17th century, under the reign of Louis XIII. Dogtanian is an impetuous and innocent peasant from Gascony, as well as a skilled swordsman, who...
When Saku took in a stray black cat, she never expected that he would become the equivalent of a housekeeping life partner. But Yukichi, a giant cat...
Happongi Hills is high-class residential area where everyone envies the owners. Inuyama family, who manages an IT company, moved Happoingi Hills from...
Chitose-chan is a penguin who lives in Kyoto. Getting in touch with people and getting fed delicious food as she curiously walks around Kyoto streets...
France, 17th century. As a secret plot is on motion to overthrow King Louis XIII, the little daughter of Dogtanian, the brave muskehound of the Royal...