The adventures of a peaceful and infatuated man, who tries to identify the man who killed his sweetheart, an unconventional young woman who used to...
UFO falls on a hillbilly's hencoop and he tries to sell it. Soon international missions are sent to the place, for there's a suspicion it might be...
The sophisticated thief Mão Leve and his simple-minded accomplice Jonjoca take from the rich to give to the poor. Their new mission is raising...
Movie producer Cecílio B. de Milho is intent on filming an epic about Helen of Troy, while some of the crew would rather turn it into a...
Barber's jeep crash against crazy scientist's house, where the latter was building a time-machine. The crash triggers the machine, taking them to...
A lady, owner of a large area of land where it is believed there are several oil wells, is almost fooled by the president of a pseudo petroleum...
Alligator raiser from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, travels to his nephew's, and takes the maid Etelvina for his nephew's wife.
Quartet from Northeast Brazil arrive in Rio de Janeiro, to try their luck in the big city.
After the success of the first Brazilian space mission, a scientist intends to accomplish an even more audacious feat. His goal is to launch into...
Winner of a Theater talent contest, in which he was the only one to enroll, Belizário da Silva leaves his hometown, and tries to make it in...
Industrialist's son returns from the USA, where he'd been supposedly studying Nuclear Physics, when in fact he'd devoted himself to pop music,...
Somebody is selling songs for two recording companies, simultaneously. The owner of one of them hires a detective to find out the swindler's...
גישה חופשית ללא הגבלה, חפש כל דבר ללא מודעות, מיליוני תארים שנוספו מדי יום, כל הפלטפורמות ומותאמות לחלוטין, בכל מקום ובכל זמן