An unworldly and closed-minded American travels to a small village in exotic Chiapas, Mexico; at the behest of his estranged mother when his...
A young woman receives a diary as an inheritance from her father, in which he tells her that she must take a trip to Chiapas, a requirement for...
Independent documentary created by group of enthusiast from Russia. It covers the topic of Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico and struggle of...
This movie shows direct testimonies, words and images of the life, cause and fights of indigenous to survive and their incorporation to the EZLN.
גישה חופשית ללא הגבלה, חפש כל דבר ללא מודעות, מיליוני תארים שנוספו מדי יום, כל הפלטפורמות ומותאמות לחלוטין, בכל מקום ובכל זמן