Kingdom of Goguryeo, ancient Korea, 645. The ruthless Emperor Taizong of Tang invades the country and leads his armies towards the capital, achieving...
Ancient Korea, 17th century. The powerful Khan of the Jurchen tribe of Manchuria, who fights the Ming dinasty to gain China, becomes the first ruler...
Seol Hie loses her parents and eyes to the murderous brutality of General Woo Shin-tak. She trains herself in swordsmanship and martial arts for the...
Set in the Baekje kingdom in the mid-7th century, the drama chronicles the life and times of the storied warrior General Gyebaek who is remembered in...
King Hyeonjong and Kang Kam-chan led the 8-year-long 2nd and 3rd Goryeo-Khitan Wars to victory and began an era of peace in East Asia and prosperity...