This documentary examines how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime made use of ancient mysticism, occultism, and mind-control techniques in their efforts...
Handsome high school student Akemi is a computer genius. One day a new girl, Yumiko, transfers to his class from another school. She quickly falls in...
Norwegian researcher Petter Amundsen claims to have deciphered a secret code hidden in legendary playwright William Shakespeare's works that reveals...
Filmmaker Liam Le Guillou seeks out an occult curse to an answer to the question "is magic real?", forcing him to question the nature of reality and...
In 1984 a family throws a 14th-birthday party. 30 years later, they re-unite at two isolated houses in a forest, where horrific truths are uncovered...
Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has...
The story of the mysterious and brilliant Jack Parsons in 1940s Los Angeles as by day he helps birth the discipline of American rocketry and by night...