A band of fighting Ming Dynasty loyalists branded as enemies of the state are driven underground following the burning of the Shaolin Temple by Qing...
Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair...
The plot centres around Wu Tang villain, Abbot White, who wants to destroy the Shaolin monks and become supreme martial artist. In order to do so, he...
The story is based on the historic martial art legend Hung Hei-gun (Donnie Yen) in the Qing dynasty. In the final stand Hung Hei-gun and Fong Sai-yuk...
Yang, a thief, witnessed his adoptive father's murder and vows to avenge his death after stealing a jade buddha with Hong. He meets Mu, who helps him...