In one of the world's largest and oldest refugee camps, Dadaab, the inhabitans survive by watching films and dreaming. The refugees cannot leave the...
On October 3rd, 1993, 120 Delta Force Commandos and Army Rangers were dropped into the heart of Mogadishu, Somalia. Their mission was a fast daylight...
25-year-old Karri is stuck with his life: days at a job as a guard at a shopping mall, nights out with his friends. Then Karri meets Caasha, a Somali...
The make or break story of a Somali-Australian refugee who went back to where he came from to do battle with ruthless pirates and Islamic militants -...
Samia Yusuf Omar is just 9 years old when she discovers her special talent: she is faster than all the other boys and girls. With her friend Ali, who...
As the first African team ever to do so, Somalia has just signed up for the Bandy World Championships. The young players don't live in Somalia; they...