Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno High's volleyball club to be like his idol, a former Karasuno player known as the 'Little Giant'. But Hinata soon learns...
Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former...
Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around the Premier League. Originally presented by Jane...
The passionate story of an elementary school student whose thoughts and dreams revolve almost entirely around the love of soccer. 11-year-old Tsubasa...
Joe Yabuki is a troubled youth, whose only solution to problems is throwing punches at them. What he lacks in manners and discipline, he makes up for...
In the town of Podolsk, The Bears hockey club hires a new coach, Sergei Makeyev, a former National Hockey League player, who sets out to get the club...
The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team, but it was disbanded due to not enough players. However, after the boy meets a female professional...