A dramatised documentary about the life of Rumi, a Persian mystical poet whose images of universal love and divine mystery continue to be celebrated...
The Sufi and the Scientist is the collective story of Sufi healer Sayyid Arif Hussain, the medieval Sufi Sheikh Haji Ali, and Dr. Thornton Streeter,...
In 1244, Jelaluddin Rumi, a Sufi scholar in Konya, Turkey, met an itinerant dervish, Shams of Tabriz. A powerful friendship ensued. When Shams died,...
The Way of the Heart is the story of a spiritual master who brought the wisdom of Sufism to the West in 1910. Today the message of love, harmony, and...
A spiritual journey into the highlands of Harar, immersed in the rituals of khat, a leaf Sufi Muslims chewed for centuries for religious meditations...
Rumi is a rebellious yet intelligent and creative Islamic boarding student. While on a pilgrimage, he is stunned by a group of Sufi dancers he sees....
Story of trust, relationships and regrets, revolving around five people with different backgrounds and their faith and conviction. It highlights the...
Momin is a successful film director on a journey to reconnect with his roots and Momina is a struggling actress determined to maintain the livelihood...