Director and co-writer Romano Vanderbes attempts to satirize middle America's standard news broadcasts with as many jokes about sex as possible. The...
A mystery psychological thriller drama that depicts characters with various desires and different psychology, and their tangled relationships against...
30-year-old single Mary Richards moves to Minneapolis to start a new life after a romantic break-up. There she reacquaints with Phyllis who rents her...
The highly-watched 6:30 PM news report is the battleground for news anchors. In the news department, seasoned anchors Man Wai-sum and Leung Ging-yan...
A terrible child kidnapping incident takes place in a mansion complex, where only the top 1% of the most luxurious population reside. With no time to...
When a popular anchorwoman for a prime time news show becomes the suspect in a murder case, her estranged husband - who has worked as a prosecutor in...